
About Sam

Sam is an ICF (PCC) Professional Certified Coach and has a broad breadth of coaching experience from coaching high performing teams to providing one to one , team and group coaching within large global organisations, private clients and a range of SME’s.

Sam set up and ran the Aviva Global Coaching Faculty of 120 coaches, across 3 continents and 7 countries.

Prior to working as a coach, Sam had a successful career in marketing and customer experience, within the Financial Services sector.

In her spare time, Sam enjoys walking the family dog with her husband, eating out and keeping fit. She is based in Norfolk.

Sam’s Purpose and Vision

“In 2013, I recognised that I needed a career change. After some soul searching, I realised that in my past, I had felt most satisfied whilst helping others to reach their true potential.”

“My Purpose is to help Individuals, Leaders and Teams flourish through the power of coaching.”

“My vision is to make coaching and coaching skills available to all. I wish I had access to a coach, especially in the early part of my career when I was unsure of what I wanted or knew how to go about achieving it”

Sam Howell

Watch Sam talk about her story and the power of Coaching



Contract Director at JLL:
"Sam’s coaching has helped me in a way that no testimonial can really do justice. I started talking with Sam when I was at a career crossroads. I knew I wanted something different but didn’t know what that was nor did I have the tools to work out what this was.

Initially Sam focussed our sessions on helping me to understand what was important to me and what my key strengths were. It was only once I was comfortable that these building blocks were established did, we consider the next steps. The sessions were challenging but enjoyable, I’d leave energised with a list of ideas and thoughts to follow up on. By working with Sam, I managed to achieve my career goal within 18 months of our first session, this would not have happened without her help.

I highly recommend Sam if you are in need of career guidance or coaching."

Senior Manager, Consultancy Sector:
"Highly recommended coach. With just one word, yes you've got it, one word against which I check myself, Sam has helped me to start to build a healthier work life balance.
One word from me in return, BRILLIANT”
Marissa Murton, MD Data Analytics Business:
“I had a couple of sessions with Sam, and she helped me immensely. She helped with my confidence at time when I was feeling vulnerable. She worked with me on my CV, helping me to sell myself and see myself as others see me. A great coach to have”

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